IANUS - Integrated AssistaNce on Unguarded Systems (2013-2015)

Funding body: Regione Liguria

IANUS: monitoring of frail elderly people, promoted by IFM, adds knowledge and support to promote the independent and participatory life of the elderly through an integrated system of instruments for detection at home and with mobile devices.
The specific fragility of the elderly target significantly reduces the freedom to participate in social life and also makes the domestic routine potentially risky. The IANUS project aims to create a home-based monitoring system, easy to use, based on a mobile device system capable of continuously evaluating the motor characteristics of the subjects, so as to define any pre-alarm / alarm situations and launch appropriate reports via direct or indirect feedback.
The existence of automated systems that can guarantee continuous and discrete monitoring of the activities of the elderly is an important opportunity both to support the safety of frail elderly and as a source of help in leading a life as active as possible and, possibly, participatory.
