MT Utilities

A collection of utility programs for the MT.


Program reverse reverses the orientation of an MT representing a surface in three dimensions. The output MT is equal to the input MT, but all its triangles are reversed: if the three vertices of a triangle T are sorted as A,B,C in the inout MT, then the vertices of T in the output MT are sorted as C,B,A.

This operation correspond to exchanging the inner and the outer sides of the surface represented by the MT .


Program addnorma computes vertex normals for an MT representing a surface in three dimensions. Important: it is assumed that the tesselation at maximum resolution available in the MT contains all the vertices of the MT. This is true for Multi-Triangulation built through incremental insertion/deletion of vertices, and for those built through edge collapse provided that the vertex resulting from collapsing an edge coincides with one of the two edge endpoints.

Vertex normals are computed on the tesselation at maximum resolution extracted from the MT.

MTbinary and MTascii

Programs mtbinary and mtascii convert an MT into BINARY and ASCII format, respectively.


Programs stats computes and prints statistical information about an MT. Statistical information includes: total number of nodes, arcs, tiles and vertices in the MT; number of tiles and vertices in the tesselations at minimum and maximum resolution; ratio between the total number of MT tiles and the number of tiles at maximum resolution; number of old and new triangles of a node of the MT; number of incoming and outgoing arcs of a node of the MT; maximum lenght of a path in the MT.