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Symbolic Representation via Constrained Configurations

In order to finitely represent the generators of an upward closed set of configurations, we use a rich assertional language based on the notion of constrained configurations, i.e. multisets of (non ground) atomic formulas annotated with constraints.

Let $\langle { {\mathscr P} , {\mathscr C} , {\mathscr I} , {\mathscr R} } \rangle $ be an $\mbox{MSR($\ {\mathscr C} $)}$ specification, with $ {\mathscr C} =\langle { {\mathscr V} , {\mathscr L} , {\mathscr D} ,\mathscr{S},\sqsubseteq^c} \rangle $. A constrained configuration is a multiset of atomic formulas over $ {\mathscr P} $ and $ {\mathscr C} $, annotated with a constraint, having the form

{p_1(x_{11},\ldots,x_{1k_1})\ \vert\ \ldots\ \vert\ p_n(x_{n1}\ldots,x_{nk_n})}\,:\,{\varphi}

where $p_1,\ldots,p_n\in {\mathscr P} $, $\varphi\in {\mathscr L} $ is a satisfiable constraint, and $x_{11},\ldots,x_{nk_n}$ are distinct variables in $ {\mathscr V} $.

The set of ground instances of a constrained configuration can be defined as follows.

Let $\langle {\mathscr P} ,$ $ {\mathscr C} ,$ $ {\mathscr I} ,$ $ {\mathscr R} \rangle$ be an $\mbox{MSR($\ {\mathscr C} $)}$ specification, and ${ {\mathcal M} }\,:\,{\varphi}$ a constrained configuration. The set of ground instances of ${ {\mathcal M} }\,:\,{\varphi}$ is defined as

\begin{displaymath}\mathit {Inst}({{ {\mathcal M} }\,:\,{\varphi}})=\{\sigma( {\mathcal M} )\ \vert\ \sigma\in\mathscr{S}({\varphi})\}.\end{displaymath}

As an example, let $C$ be the constrained configuration $use(x)~\vert~user(y)~:~true$. Then, if LC-constraints are interpreted over non-negative integers $\mathit {Inst}({C})$ contains configurations like $use(1)~\vert~use(2)$, $use(4)~\vert~use(6)$, etc.

The previous definition can be extended to sets of constrained configurations (denoted ${\bf S},{\bf S}',\ldots$) in the natural way:

\mathit {Inst}({{\bf S}})=\bigcup.png_{C~\in~{\bf S}} \mathit {Inst}({C})

Following the intuition we explained in the previous section, instead of taking the set of instances as flat denotation of a set of constrained configurations ${\bf S}$, we choose the following rich denotation.

Let $\langle {\mathscr P} ,$ $ {\mathscr C} ,$ $ {\mathscr I} ,$ $ {\mathscr R} \rangle$ be an $\mbox{MSR($\ {\mathscr C} $)}$ specification, and ${\bf S}$ a set of constrained configurations (with distinct variables from each other). The rich denotation of ${\bf S}$, denoted $[\![{{\bf S}}]\!]$, is given by the upward closure of the set of its ground instances, i.e.

\begin{displaymath}[\![{{\bf S}}]\!]=\mathit {Up}({\mathit {Inst}({{\bf S}})})

Let $C$\ be defined as $use(x)~\vert~user(y)~:~true$. Then, $[\...
...ert~use(2)$\ as well as
$use(1)~\vert~use(2)~\vert~use(0)$, etc.

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Giorgio Delzanno 2003-02-03