Admission to the PhD Program in Computer Science

Information on the admission exam (including number of positions and scholarships) is published every year in the Italian government official gazette(La Gazzetta Ufficiale). The call for admission is published in Italian and in English on the Web site of the University of Genova and can be found following this link [»]

A Selection Committee (COMMISSIONE) evaluates background knowledge and research potential of the candidates, based on the information submitted with their application (TITOLI). At the end the Committee produces a ranked list (GRADUATORIA) of candidates sufficiently qualified and trained to have a reasonable expectation of successfully completing the graduate program.

The ranking is primarily based on a combination of the following criteria:

The admission process consists of the steps described below, the exact deadlines for each step are published in the call for admission (BANDO) that can be found following this link [»].

Admission Process

  1. Candidates submit their application form, using the template attached to the call for admission (BANDO), and following the INSTRUCTIONS for APPLICATION
  2. Any candidate wishing to visit the department should contact the PhD program Director for making preliminary arrangements. .
  3. The Selection Committee evaluates valid applications and produces a ranked list (GRADUATORIA TITOLI). Only candidates above a given threshold are considered suitable for admission to the PhD program.
  4. Finally the University publishes a final ranked list (GRADUATORIA FINALE) of candidates suitable for admission to the PhD program.
  5. Candidates, in the order specified by final ranked list (GRADUATORIA FINALE), decide whether to enroll in the PhD program and choose among the available studentships, until all positions have been filled.