CBP networks as a generalized neural model Sandro Ridella, Stefano Rovetta, and Rodolfo Zunino Department of Biophysical and Electronics Engineering - University of Genova, Italy Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Neural Networks, Houston, USA, June 1997, pp. 210-214. Abstract This paper analyzes the Circular backpropagation network, a simple modification of the multilayer perceptron with interesting practical properties, especially well-suited to cope with pattern classification tasks. The proposed model unifies the two main representation paradigms found in the class of mapping networks for classification, namely, the surface-based and the prototype-based schemes, while retaining the advantage of being trainable by back-propagation. Multi-layer perceptrons, Radial-Basis-Function networks and Vector-Quantization networks are shown to be implementable with small modifications to the model under study