FLEXIBLE VIDEO COMPRESSION SYSTEMS USING AN ANALOG VECTOR QUANTIZATION CHIP Stefano Rovetta, Rdolfo Zunino (DIBE - Genoa University) In: PROOCEEDINGS of the 1999 IEEE International Conference On ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING March 15-19, 1999 Civic Plaza, Hyatt Regency - Phoenix, Arizona vol. 4, pp. 1941-1944 A B S T R A C T --------------- Vector quantization systems are usually based on digital implementation of the core operations. In this paper, video compression systems exploiting an analog implementation of vector quantization are presented. The main advantages of analog design are exploited, obtaining notable performances when compared to other solutions found in the literature. The circuit features a very modular, completely parallel internal architecture. Many circuits can be easily connected to obtain a larger codebook size and a larger vector dimension. Synthesis of codebooks is also described.