Validation of a Large Medical Database Guido Rovetta *, Patrizia Monteforte *, Gerolamo Bianchi *, Stefano Rovetta **, « and Rodolfo Zunino ** University of Genova, Italy * Faculty of Medicine, DIMI ** Faculty of Engineering, DIBE ABSTRACT Complex clinical problems involving huge experimental evidence require a preliminary validation of observed data. This may avoid biasing due to incorrect sampling and clarify the sample distribution by showing data-inherent regularities. The paper describes the application of unsupervised models of neural networks to the analysis of a very large set of clinical records for the study of Osteoporosis. The main result obtained lies in showing the overall uniformity of the data distribution, which indicates a correct, unbiased sampling of the consideredpopulation. SUBJECT TERMS medical information systems; very large databases; data integrity; neural nets; unsupervised learning; probability; large medical database; database validation; clinical problems; experimental evidence; observed data validation; biasing; incorrect sampling; sample distribution; data-inherent regularities; unsupervised models; neural networks; clinical records analysis; osteoporosis; data distribution uniformity; unbiased sampling ---- Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems Lubbock, Texas, USA, June 1995, pp. 57-64. Copyright (c) 1995 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.