Machine Learning methods applied to an experiment in Ambient Assisted Living at the Special Unit for Dementia of RSA Galliera  (2011-2013)

The research on Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)  is aimed at promoting the development of products, services and innovative systems to improve the independence, participation in social life, employability and overall quality of life of people elderly or sick (see, e.g., here).

This project, funded by E. O. Ospedali Galliera, is aimed at the  intelligent analysis of  behavior on the basis of sensed data  obtined  from  the interaction of the individual with the assistive environment. We will make use of sensors of various kinds (e.g., ultra-sound, RFID, video, blood pressure, temperature), that will be installed in the pilot plant (the Special Unit for dementia of the Galliera Hospital in Genoa-Italy). Data will be concentrated, mined using Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence methods, and made available to the medical and paramedic staff interactivelity on video screens, tablets and smart phones. The expected results of the project are: (a) allowing the constant monitoring of the health of the subject; (b) increasing the security; (c) optimizing the work of the paramedical staff.

Research Groups

SSD RSA Galliera - Dipartimento di Gerontologia e Scienze Motorie, Genoa, Italy
Ernesto Palummeri (PI)
Cinzia Bonomini
Massimo Veneziano

DISI - Dept. Information and Computer Sciences - University of Genova, Genoa, Italy
Francesco Masulli (co-PI)
Barbara Catania
Giovanna Guerrini
Stefano Rovetta
Enzo Brocchi
Giuseppe Russo
Franco Scalia
Simon Bulotta

Raphael Prieto

Seminario Cadute nell'Anziano Galliera 21 Maggio 2012 (flyier, news, video-RAI)

Last updated 29 Jun 2012 by