Software developed by, or with the supervision of, Viviana Mascardi

A very first step towards decentralized runtime verification of Agent Interaction Protocols (2016)
Global Types for MASs
Our formalism for global types extended with constraints and attributes for dynamic verification of protocol conformance (2012)
An extension of JASDL (which is in turn an extension of Jason!) with ontology matching capabilities (2012)
Role and Role Relationships Extractor
An extractor of roles and relationships among roles from written text (2010)
Ontology Matching Suite
A set of Ontology Matching applications (2009)
The AUML to WS-BPEL translator
A translator from AUML visual diagrams to WS-BPEL specifications (2006)
The DCaseLP toolkit
A multilingual environment for MAS modelling and prototyping (2005)
Adaptive BDI agents meet service-oriented computing (2005)

Please send suggestions and comments to:
Viviana Mascardi

Last Updated: April, 2013