Box demo

This demo uses a magic lens on a 3D object.

How to run the demo

This demo requires a two-dimensional MT embedded in three dimensions, with approximation errors associated with its tiles and normal vectors associated with its vertices.

Let the MT be contained in a file named xxx.mtf, tile errors be contained in file xxx.err, and vertex normals be contained in file xxx.nrm. To run the demo, type:

For instance, try demo1 ../data/bunny.

To exit the demo, strike key "Q" or "q" when the focus is in one of the demo windows.

Inside the demo

The program extracts a triangle mesh that has a given approximation errror inside a cubic box (the "magic lens"), and is arbitrarily coarse outside it. The extraction parameters are: The user can move the box interactively, and can change the extraction parameters.

One windows is used for visualization:

The viewed scene can be rotated and zoomed as explained next.

Another window shows the available commmands for interacting with the program.

User interaction

User interaction is done by pressing the following keys when the mouse focus is in one of the three windows of the program.

Box movement

Triangle mesh extraction


Rotations and translations



Visualization in hidden wireframe may sometimes produce artifacts (dashed and dotted lines, or portions of lines not properly hidden).