Debugging Security Protocols in Lambda Prolog
A Case-study: the Needham-Schroeder Public Key Protocol
Giorgio Delzanno

In [Del00], we investigate the fragment of intuitionistic logic consisting of hereditary Harrop formulas as a specification language for security protocols. In this setting, embedded implications and universal quantification provide a natural built-in mechanism to model the dynamics in the knowledge of the agents involved in a protocol. We take advantage of the system lambdaProlog in order to turn specifications in hereditary Harrop formulas into executable prototypes, ready to be debugged. To exploit these features, we select as main case-study the well-known Needham-Schroeder protocol. In this paper we report on the results of our experiments and we discuss potentially interesting directions of future research. [Del00] G. Delzanno,
Specifying and Debugging Security Protocols in the hhf Fragment of Intuitionistic Logic - A Case-study -
September 2000.