Curriculum Vitae: Giovanni Chiola

Academic Positions
Scientific Activity
Recent Publications (since 1995)
Previous Publications (from 1984 to 1994)

Professional Societies Affiliation


High school Diploma of Electronics Engineer
from ITIS di Grugliasco (To), July 1977.
Laurea degree of Doctor in Electronics Engineering
from Politecnico di Torino, February 1983.

Other Academic Titles

May 1985
obtained approval for enrolling in the PhD program in Computer Science at the University of Maryland at College Park with support of Fullbright fellowship; did not start the program because of the next item.
July 1985
obtained admission to the PhD program in Electronics Engineering at the Polytechnic of Torino; did not start the program to take the position of Researcher at the University of Torino.
April 1994
obtained the ``Qualification au fonction de Professeur d'Universite'' from the French Ministry for University and Scientific Research.

Academic Positions

from 16/3/86 to 16/3/89
junior researcher (ricercatore non confermato, gruppo 92Bis, Informatica) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Torino, Italy
from 17/3/89 to 31/10/92
senior researcher (ricercatore confermato, gruppo 92Bis, Informatica) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Torino, Italy
from 1/11/89 to 31/10/90
NATO-CNR Advanced Fellowship at Laboratoire MASI, University Paris 6, France
from 1/11/92 to 31/10/94
associate professor in computer science (professore associato non confermato, gruppo A420, Informatica) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Torino, Italy
from 1/11/94 to 31/10/97
full professor in computer science (professore straordinario settore scientifico-disciplinare K05B, Informatica) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Genova, Italy
from 1/11/97 to present
tenured full professor in computer science (professore ordinario settore scientifico-disciplinare K05B, Informatica) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Genova, Italy

Invited/Visiting Positions

Laboratoire MASI, University Paris 6
several times invited professor: March 88, September 89, May 93, from February to July 94, November 95.
ETSII, University of Zaragoza, Spain
invited researcher from January to March 1988

Scientific Activity

Guest Editor
  • Cluster Computing, special issue on ``IEEE Cluster2000 Conference: Technology and Applications'', Vol.5 No.1, January 2002.
  • IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, special section on ``Petri Nets and Performance Models 97'', Vol.25 No.2, March/April 1999.
  • Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, special issue on ``Petri Net Modelling of Parallel Computers'', July 1992.

Steering Committee member:
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing since 2000.
International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), from 1993 to 2001.

Member of the Editorial Board
Technique et Science Informatiques, AFCET, Paris, from January 1995 to December 1998.

Chairman of the Program Committee
  • EuroPar 2001 -- vice chair for Topic 9: Distributed Systems and Algorithms, Manchester, UK, Aug 28 - 31 , 2001.
  • IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2000), Chemnitz, Germany, Nov 28 - Dec 2, 2000.
  • International Workshop on Personal Computer based Networks Of Workstations
  • 7th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'97), Saint Malo, France, June 1997,
  • 28th Annual Simulation Symposium, IEEE Computer Society and SCS, Phoenix, Arizona, April 1995

coordinator for the following local (DISI) projects:
  • Genoa Active Message MAchine (GAMMA)

member of the Program Committee of too many conferences ...

Software Development Experience

Programming Languages:
C (extensive development experience of simulation software, numerical solution of linear equation, graph analysis, Petri net analysis applications, operating system kernel and device drivers, GUIs, etc.)
Pascal (more than 100,000 lines of code for simulation software, numerical solution of linear equation, Petri net analysis applications)
Fortran (more than 100,000 lines of code for simulation software and numerical solution of matrix equations)
sporadic use of Occam, C++, GPSS, Simula, various Assembly languages (8080, Z80, 68000, SPARC, x86)

Software packages developed and distributed:
GreatSPN - tool for stochastic Petri net drawing, analysis and simulation
GAMMA - kernel-level approach to fast communication for Linux clusters based on FastEthernet and Gigabit Ethernet