Since 1993 the Computer Science Department (formerly DISI, now DIBRIS - Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering) has a PhD program in Computer Science.

The PhD program participates in the Italian Interuniversity Partnership and the Coordinamento Nazionale dei Dottorati in Informatica. Initially, the PhD program was set up in collaboration with the Departments of Mathematics (DIMA) and Physics (DIFI). In 2003 the PhD program became part of Dottorato in Scienze e Tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione run in collaboration with two Engineering Departments (DIBE and DIST). In 2005 the University of Genova has set up a PhD School in Sciences and Technologies for Information and Knowledge (STIC), which includes 9 PhD programs. Since 2013, the PhD program in Computer Science has been merged with the PhD program in Electronic, Computer, Robotics, and Telecommunication Engineering, leading to the new PhD program in Computer Science and Engineering.


This web page refers the PhD programs up to cycle XXVIII (started in 2013).

For successive PhD programs, i.e., since cycle XXIX (started in 2014), please follow the link to the new web page:

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