Annual Activity Report

All PhD students need to submit the annual progress report before the meeting of the PhD program committee (Collegio dei Docenti) in which the admission of the current PhD students to the next year of the PhD Program is approved. The annual progress report is a short summary of the activities performed by a student during the year. It has to be organized into three sections:
  1. Education (attivita’ di formazione) : participation in courses, summer schools (and similar), exams, and grades
  2. Teaching support (attivita’ di supporto alla didattica): specify the name of the course, the instructor, and the number of hours
  3. Research (attivita’ di ricerca) : publications, participation in conferences and workshops, collaboration plus a summary of the research activities (one or two paragraphs)
On the internal Web portal of the School (Aulaweb) you can find a template (in WIKI format) for the annual report (please, strictly follow the rules for filling the template). The report needs to be updated every year by the date required by the Program Coordinator. A PhD student can maintain it in his/her Web Page by saving the report in HTML format and updating it as a log. In this case, a translator from HTML to WIKI can be used for updating information on the portal. The WWW directory may contain a file phd-record.html corresponding to a short CV.